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Wanted: offline IDE for developing Html / JavaScript on Android tablet [closed]

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Can you do HTML on a tablet?

Yes, that's right—coding on your Android device is not only possible, but also popular. The top HTML editors in the Google Play Store have been downloaded millions of times, proving both professionals and enthusiasts increasingly view the operating system as a viable productivity platform.

You could use the online IDE. It's the Mozilla project that started out as Bespin a few years ago.

I've been playing with it for a while, and I am quite impressed with how well it works. And it hooks right into github.

There are even ways of running it in offline mode.

Try WebBaster's HTML Editor from Android Market (Pro version) The IDE has syntax highlighting, code-completion and quick preview

Lite version is also available in Android Market

maybe an online editor like ACE (former Mozilla bespin/skywriter)?

Well, I would go with vim (dont forget to read the blog post about this Android version and this little tutorial with another solution) with zencoding plugin. But I'm a little biased since I use vim daily for development and I'm already used to it's modal approach.

It's a good opportunity to learn a new editor nonetheless, and understand why the hell these nutheads use vi.

There's a good post about vim as well, with some plugins for web development. Beware though that a lot may not work in your Android environment.