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Wamp Server Error [Local Server - 2 of 3 services running]

I am new to wamp servers and trying to install wampServer 3.1.0 on my windows 10 machine .

Somehow it is not installed properly and is having configuration error .

At present "Wamp server is still in orange state and is throwing the error"

2 of 3 services running

As of my understanding either of Apache,MySQl orPHP is not working . On further investigation I found that Apache is ok. But on running mysql.exe(C:\wamp64\bin\mysql\mysql5.7.19\bin) it is throwing :

ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

which lands me to SO-32519474 , I tried following the steps ,but it looks good to me in my case . On further searching I find that wampmysqld64 is stopped in the services. when I am trying to restart it I am getting the error enter image description here

I am stuck up here and have no further clue how to get it fixed

Any help is highly appreciated.

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Nihar Avatar asked Jan 17 '18 19:01


People also ask

What are the three services in WampServer?

WampServer refers to a solution stack for the Microsoft Windows operating system, created by Romain Bourdon and consisting of the Apache web server, OpenSSL for SSL support, MySQL database and PHP programming language.

How can I check my WampServer status?

Click on the wamp server icon in the taskbar and test "localhost". If that works, click the " phpinfo() " link on the page. If that works too, your wamp server is working and you should be able to execute php files. If not, you need to make sure it is installed properly and started properly.

Why my WampServer is not working?

It says that whatever port is used by Apache (Wamp server) is currently used by some other service, so if you want to start the Apache service then you have to changethe port of this Wampserver service. Now for changing the port you have to go to Wampserver menu => Apache. Open httpd. conf file.

1 Answers

In my case was the Apache Service.

  1. So I clicked the Wamp icon, then Apache > Service administration 'wampapache64' > Install Service.
  2. Then again Wamp icon, then Apache > Service administration 'wampapache64' > Start Service.
  3. And finally Wamp icon > Restart All Services.
like image 52
Yohec Soto Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Yohec Soto