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Cannot use native queries with dynamic sorting and/or pagination even if I have specified the count query [duplicate]

@Query( value = "select * from paper_entry where owner is null or owner = ?1", countQuery = "select count(*) from paper_entry where owner is not null or owner = ?1", nativeQuery = true)

Page findAll(Long userId, Pageable pageable);

I use mysql 5.7, spring-data-jpa 1.11.3.RELEASE. As you can see, I follow the document https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#jpa.query-methods.at-query. However I got this error.

Caused by: org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.InvalidJpaQueryMethodException: Cannot use native queries with dynamic sorting and/or pagination in method public abstract org.springframework.data.domain.Page com.gbdata.entry.persistence.dao.PaperEntryRepository.findAll(java.lang.Long,org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable) at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.NativeJpaQuery.(NativeJpaQuery.java:55) ~[spring-data-jpa-1.11.3.RELEASE.jar:na] at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.JpaQueryFactory.fromMethodWithQueryString(JpaQueryFactory.java:72) ~[spring-data-jpa-1.11.3.RELEASE.jar:na] at ........

like image 605
CuteDoge Avatar asked May 19 '17 03:05


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What is native query in JPA?

Native query refers to actual sql queries (referring to actual database objects). These queries are the sql statements which can be directly executed in database using a database client. JPA : entityManager.createNativeQuery() Hibernate (Non-JPA implementation): session.createSQLQuery()

How does JPA pagination work?

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1 Answers

解决没? SQL里面加 ORDER BY ?#{#pageable} 就可以了

        value = "select * from paper_entry where owner is null or owner = ?1 ORDER BY ?#{#pageable}",
        countQuery = "select count(*) from paper_entry where owner is not null or owner = ?1 ORDER BY ?#{#pageable}",
        nativeQuery = true)
    Page findAll(Long userId, Pageable pageable);

It's duplicate of this question.

like image 66
zhouji Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
