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W3.CSS vs Bootstrap: which is faster and better?

Which is faster, W3.CSS or bootstrap, and why?

Which one is better?

Bootstrap uses JavaScript as well as CSS, but w3.css is a pure CSS framework. which helps in doing better SEO of your website too, because JavaScript is the enemy of SEO..

What is SEO?

Why is javascript the enemy of SEO?

Why W3.CSS called "pure CSS"?

How does Bootstrap use javascript?

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lucky Avatar asked Oct 30 '18 12:10


People also ask

Is W3 CSS better than Bootstrap?

A Quality Alternative to BootstrapW3. CSS is Smaller, Faster and Easier to Use. W3. CSS is a modern, responsive, mobile first CSS framework.

Is it better to use CSS or Bootstrap?

CSS is more complex than Bootstrap because there is no pre-defined class and design. Bootstrap is easy to understand and it has much pre-design class. In CSS, we have to write code from scratch. In Bootstrap, we can add pre-defined class into the code without writing code.

Is W3 CSS a good framework?

It supports responsive mobile-first design by default, and it is smaller and faster than similar CSS frameworks. W3. CSS can also speed up and simplify web development because it is easier to learn and easier to use than other CSS frameworks. The main advantage is that it is free to use without any licensing required.

Which CSS framework is fastest?

UIKit. UIKit is regarded as one of the best CSS frameworks. It is a lightweight, open-source and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.

2 Answers

1) ANSWER : w3.css OR Bootstrap ?

Bootstrap uses JavaScript as well as CSS and W3.CSS is a modern CSS framework with built-in responsiveness. It supports responsive mobile first design by default, and it is smaller and faster than similar CSS frameworks . which helps in doing better SEO of your website too, because JavaScript is the enemy of SEO.

2) ANSWER : What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search engine optimization which consists in increasing the Quantity & Quality of your website traffic through any search engine results.

3) ANSWER : Why is javascript the enemy of SEO?

It will also help visitors with JavaScript disabled or off, as well as search engines that can't execute JavaScript yet.

4) ANSWER : Why W3.CSS called "pure CSS"?

Because W3.css is not using JavaScript as well here.

5) ANSWER : How does Bootstrap use javascript?

JavaScript is required for working on built in components like tabs, dropdowns are defined in bootstrap.js file

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Rudra Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10


w3.css faster or bootstrap and why ?

Performance is depend size of your stylesheets. So browser have less work. w3.css is css framework and it's lightweight and file size is low so it's fast compare to bootstrap.


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Dhaval Goti Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 12:10

Dhaval Goti