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Angular - Hide sidebar menu after clicking a menu item

I created a sidebar menu, but I am not able to hide the menu after I click on a menu item. I followed the example from https://blog.thecodecampus.de/angular-2-animate-creating-sliding-side-navigation/

Do I need to call toggleMenu on (click) of every hyper link from html? If yes, how do I call a method which is in app.component.ts from another component?

Need help please...

I am using Angular 4 with bootstrap 4.

Here is my code: app.component.html:

<button (click)="toggleMenu()" class="hamburger">
  <span>toggle menu</span>

<!--  <app-menu [@slideInOut]="menuState"></app-menu>  -->
<navigation-component [@slideInOut]="menuState"> </navigation-component>

<div class="container-fluid">


    <li><a routerLink="/home" routerLinkActive="active"> Home</a></li>
        <a href="#submenu1" data-toggle="collapse">Alert</a>
        <ul id="submenu1" class="list-unstyled collapse">
            <li><a routerLink="/linesidemonitor" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse.show">IQS Alert</a></li>
    <li routerLinkActive="active" [hidden]="!authenticated()">
        <a href="#submenu2" data-toggle="collapse">Configuration</a>
        <ul id="submenu2" class="list-unstyled collapse">
            <li><a routerLink="/contact" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse.show">Contacts</a></li>
            <li><a routerLink="/department" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse.show">Departments</a></li>
            <li><a routerLink="/notificationlevel">NotificationLevels</a></li>
            <li><a routerLink="/recipient">Recipients</a></li>


  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './'  + (window.innerWidth > 745 ? 
          'app.component.html' :
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
  animations: [
               trigger('slideInOut', [
                 state('in', style({
                   transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
                 state('out', style({
                   transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)'
                 transition('in => out', animate('400ms ease-in-out')),
                 transition('out => in', animate('400ms ease-in-out'))
  toggleMenu() {
      // 1-line if statement that toggles the value:
      this.menuState = this.menuState === 'out' ? 'in' : 'out';

enter image description here


I tried to call toggleMenu(). It is working, but the page is loading again. Earlier it used to be like AJAX call(quick), but now it is like a new page loads first time. So I need help on how to do it as it done in http://parlaybuddy.razartech.com/no-auth




toggleMenu() {


       <ul id="submenu2" class="list-unstyled collapse">
            <li><a class="submenu" routerLink="/contact"  (click)="toggleMenu()">Contacts</a></li>
            <li><a class="submenu" routerLink="/department" (click)="toggleMenu()">Departments</a></li>


As Santosh metioned I added below code in app.component.ts and it worked as expected. Thank you Santosh

  constructor(private http: Http,
          private router: Router,
          public zone: NgZone) {
          router.events.subscribe( (event: Event) => {
              if (event instanceof NavigationStart) {
                  this.menuState = 'out';

              if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
                  // Hide loading indicator

              if (event instanceof NavigationError) {
                  // Hide loading indicator
                  // Present error to user
like image 726
SK. Avatar asked Jun 26 '18 13:06


People also ask

How do I hide the sidebar menu?

Clicking the Menu button displays the sidebar and clicking the Menu button again hides the sidebar.

2 Answers

You can handle that in router events and set this.menuState to 'out' whenever route changes.

A pretty decent sample code here

like image 132
Santhosh S Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

Santhosh S

You have to do the toggle things in NgZone. And for that first you have to add following module.

import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';

Now create zone variable in constructor

constructor(public zone: NgZone){}

and write your toggle logic in Zone() method like following way

toggleMenu() {
    this.menuState = this.menuState === 'out' ? 'in' : 'out';
like image 36
Chintan Kukadiya Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09

Chintan Kukadiya