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different between bootstrap.min.js and bootstrap.bundle.min.js? [duplicate]

In the download file of bootstrap, we found many files in JS folder. But I want to know that if we use bootstrap.bundle.min.js then is it necessary to use bootstrap.min.js?

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Shuvo3664 Avatar asked Mar 13 '20 05:03


People also ask

What is Bootstrap min js used for?

Bootstrap. min. js contains javascript code necessary for running Bootstrap.

What is the difference between Bootstrap min css?

They have exactly the same function, but the . min. css version has been minified, meaning all whitespace has been removed to reduce file size and increase speed.

What is Bootstrap ESM min js?

esm. js and bootstrap. esm. min. js ) which allows you to use Bootstrap as a module in your browser, if your targeted browsers support it.

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1 Answers

Both are same but bundle has other js included in it like popper.js whereas, bootstrap.min.js only have the minimal js which is required to run the bootstrap.

You can use any one of them to start using bootstrap.

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Khalid Khan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Khalid Khan