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Vuetify - tabs with vue components

I'm working on some web design with vue.js and vuetify and has run into issues when trying to show vue components inside a vuetify v-tab.

I have the following markup inside my vue component:

    <v-tab href="#search">
    <v-tab href="#rare">
    <v-tab href="#review">

        <v-tab-item key="search">
            <ObservationSelection />
        <v-tab-item key="rare">
            <ObservationSu />
        <v-tab-item key="review">
            <ObservationAaretsGang />

It seems that for some reason, the v-tab-item's are not properly 'connected' to the v-tabs, so I don't see any content inside each v-tab.

Each of the related component's works nicely if used outside of the v-tab.

like image 437
ThomasE Avatar asked Aug 17 '19 08:08


People also ask

How do I create a tab in Vuetify?

Fixed TabsWith the fixed-tabs prop, we can make the v-tab components to fill up all the available space until they get to their maximum width (300px): <template> <v-app> <v-tabs fixed-tabs dark> <v-tab> City </v-tab> <v-tab> Nature </v-tab> <v-tab> Art </v-tab> <v-tab> Sky </v-tab> </v-tabs> </v-app> </template> ...

What is the use of Vuetify?

What is Vuetify? Vuetify is a complete UI framework built on top of Vue.js. The goal of the project is to provide developers with the tools they need to build rich and engaging user experiences.

2 Answers

Remove v-tabs-items and put the contents inside the v-tabs element.

The structure will be:

  • v-tabs
    • v-tab
    • v-tab-item

which gives us:


  <v-tab href="#search">
  <v-tab-item value="search">
    <ObservationSelection />

  <v-tab href="#rare">
  <v-tab-item value="rare">
    <ObservationSu />

  <v-tab href="#review">
  <v-tab-item value="review">
    <ObservationAaretsGang />

like image 190
Steven Spungin Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11

Steven Spungin

This works for me


      <v-tabs v-model="tab" background-color="primary" dark>
        <v-tab v-for="item in items" :key="item.tab">
          {{ item.tab }}
      <v-tabs-items v-model="tab">
        <v-tab-item v-for="item in items" :key="item.tab">
          <v-card flat>
              <component v-bind:is="item.content"></component>

import ComponentA from '@components/ComponentA';
import ComponentB from '@components/ComponentB';
export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      tab: null,
      items: [
        { tab: 'Component A', content: 'ComponentA' },
        { tab: 'Component B', content: 'ComponentB' }

like image 41
Raul Larriega Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 03:11

Raul Larriega