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Vite how to use sass

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when i install sass and sass-loader how can i to configure to use sass Now i use sass tips error Cannot find module 'sass' from 'D:\demo\vite' enter image description here

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can i use Avatar asked Jan 06 '21 02:01

can i use

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4 Answers

You just need to install sass using the following command

npm install -D sass

Also, you may check the official docs here https://vitejs.dev/guide/features.html#css-modules

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Md. Helal Uddin Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10

Md. Helal Uddin


yarn add -D sass

it's pretty much the error given in the last screen.

Since people prefer to use NPM apparently but that there is a lot of package managers nowadays, here we do have an universal solution

By using ni, you can have

ni -D sass

to install that in your project whatever it's using NPM, yarn, PNPM or bun.

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kissu Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10


In other answers, they're using yarn or npm but If you're using pnpm:

pnpm i -D sass

i is an alias for install:


-d flag:


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amiria703 Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 21:10


btw if you aready did npm i sass you can perfectly do npm i -D sass the changes will be made automagically!

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8koi Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 21:10
