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Vuex reactive mapGetters with arguments passed through

I have lots of getters that pass arguments to the store such as:


And I'm not finding recommendations for how to optimally use mapGetters to maintain reactivity, while passing the arguments through. One suggestion I found was to map the getter and then pass the argument in mounted:

computed: {  
mounted () {

This really seems to be sub-optimal, as it would only check for a change to state on mounted. Any suggestions for how to best maintain reactivity while passing an argument to a getter? Here's an example of a getter that would match the above code:

getSomeThing: (state) => (id) => {
  return state.things.find(t => { return t.id === id })
like image 606
Matt Larson Avatar asked Jan 09 '19 18:01

Matt Larson

1 Answers

Here is a snippet from a project I have:

    computed: {
        ...mapGetters('crm', ['accountWithId']),
        account() {
            return this.accountWithId(this.$route.params.id)

This makes this.account reactive and dependent on the param.


computed: {  
  thing() {
    return this.getSomeThing(this.id)
like image 183
Jeff Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 00:12
