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Alternative for setting the srcObject using VueJS

Setting the "src" attribute of the html video element does not work with Vue.js and Vuex:

<video id="myVideoEl" :src="myStreamSrc" autoplay="autoplay">

myStreamSrc is a computed value and is set in a mutation by an event handler:

AddStream: function (state, plMyStream) {
  state.myStreamSrc = plMyStream

When I run my application with that code, I get the following error:

HTTP “Content-Type” of “text/html” is not supported. Load of media resource http://localhost:8080/[object%20MediaStream] failed.

When I do the following:

state.myVideoEl = document.querySelector('#myVideoEl')
state.myVideoEl.srcObject = payloadWithMyStream

I do not get any error and the stream is shown. The problem is, I can not use the working code snipped because the referenced elements are added later to the DOM. This code snippet does not work when I bind the html video element in a div with a v-if Vuex.js attribute. Then I just get "undefined" as a result (because the div element with the video element did not exist on page load).

Is there a difference between setting the srcObject and setting the src attribute? I thought that when I set srcObject the video element will have a src attribute, but it does not.

Is it possible to set the srcObject in the video html attribute?

For more info, please visit my theard in the Vue.js forum: https://forum.vuejs.org/t/reference-elements-when-they-rendered-with-v-if/16474/13

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La0x1 Avatar asked Aug 25 '17 19:08


2 Answers

srcObject is modifier not a html attribute, so you need to write

<video :srcObject.prop="myStreamSrc" autoplay/>

See answer from Priansh Shah for a 2019 update.

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Georgi Jhangiryan Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Georgi Jhangiryan

Posting an updated solution for newer versions of Vue in case anyone comes across this and runs across the same errors I did.

Updating for 2019:

<video :src-object.prop.camel="stream">

The first change is to bind to srcObject using v-bind, here’s an example with the shorthand:

<video :srcObject.prop="stream">

However srcObject is camel cased so in HTML it just becomes srcobject (lowercase) which is considered a different property and so won’t fire the video.

If you’re using Vue < 2.1, you’ll have to fire it manually using document.getXXXXX(...).srcObject = stream.

But if you’re using Vue v2.1+ you’re in luck as there is now an API modifier for this as well:

<video :src-object.prop.camel="stream">

.camel converts kebab-case to camel case, so to get srcObject we do the reverse and get src-object.camel. Combining this with .prop and v-bind we get the above syntax.

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cuuupid Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09
