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Vuetify - How to trigger method when clear a v-text-field

is there a way to call a method while clearing a text-field with Vuetify?

    class="mt-2 mb-0"
   label="Nom de compagnies ou mots-clés">

onClear() {



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Francis Beaulieu Avatar asked Sep 30 '18 01:09

Francis Beaulieu

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2 Answers

You can use the @click:clear="()" so you can clear your text at the same time it will call the function.

Here's the example


like image 53
ßiansor Å. Ålmerol Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

ßiansor Å. Ålmerol

Use the clear-icon-cb prop. This allows you to use a custom callback function when the clear icon when clicked.


onClearClicked () {
  // do something
like image 34
Brian Lee Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Brian Lee