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Vuetify how can I disable button till all validation rules are true?

I am using Vuetify to create a simple form where the data is being validated by some rules associated with each field. What I am trying to do is disable the Submit button if any of those validation rules fails. How can I do so? What I am trying to understand is how to check the state of each rule so that I can bind the disabled property on the button.

        label="Name of the tool"
        label="Select/Add categories"
        @change="searchCat = ''"
        label="URL for the tool. It is best to use a Github repo link."
      <v-btn @click="submit" color="grey darken-4" class="green--text text--accent-2" dark>Add</v-btn>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      dialog: false,
      searchCat: "",
      addToolMessage: undefined,
      addTool: {
        name: "",
        categories: [],
        created_on: "",
        site: ""
      rules: {
        name: [
          v => !!v || "Required.",
          v => v.length < 80 || "Name is too long",
          v =>
              .map(n => n.name.toLowerCase())
              .includes(v.toLowerCase()) || "This tool already exists"
        categories: [v => v.length != 0 || "At least one category is needed"],
        site: [
          v => !!v || "Required.",
          v =>
            new RegExp(
            ).test(v) || "Not a valid URL",
          v =>
            !this.toolsData.map(u => u.site).includes(v) ||
            "This tool already exists"
like image 466
securisec Avatar asked Sep 04 '19 17:09


People also ask

How would you ensure that button code will disable the submit button if the form is invalid?

If the textbox control value is invalid, we also want to disable the submit button so that the user cannot submit the form. We are using the “ng-disabled” property for the control to do this based on the conditional value of the “$dirty” and “$invalid” property of the control.

What is lazy validation in Vuetify?

lazy-validation. boolean. false. If enabled, value will always be true unless there are visible validation errors. You can still call validate() to manually trigger validation.

How do I validate Vuetify?

Go to the script tag outside the template tag and write the code below: <v-text-field v-model="firstname" :rules="nameRules" label="First Name" required> </v-text-field> firstname: '', lastname: '', nameRules: [ v => !! v || 'Name is required', v => (v && v.

2 Answers

Vuetify will track the validity of form if you wrap input elements in v-form and then attach v-model to form like this:

<v-form v-model="isFormValid">
  <!-- all input elements go here -->

<!-- disable if form is not valid -->
<v-btn :disabled="!isFormValid">Add</v-btn>

You also need to add isFormValid to the component's data field:

data: () => ({
  isFormValid: false,

You can read more here: https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/forms

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Manish Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09


You can create a computed property do to it. Lets say name and site are requireds, so:

  <v-btn :disabled="isAddButtonDisabled" @click="submit" color="grey darken-4" class="green--text text--accent-2" dark>Add</v-btn>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      addTool: {
        name: "",
        categories: [],
        created_on: "",
        site: ""
  computed: {
    isAddButtonDisabled() {
      return !(this.addTool.name || this.addTool.site);
      // means u have neither name nor site  

If you need to check if form is valid, you can do:

export default {
  computed: {
    formValid () {
      // loop over all contents of the fields object and check if they exist and valid.
      return Object.keys(this.addTool).every(field => {
        return this.addTool[field] && this.addTool[field].valid;

From here: https://github.com/logaretm/vee-validate/issues/853

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Matheus Valenza Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Matheus Valenza