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VueJS: Get left, top position of element?



While converting legacy jquery code, I stuck at getting position of element.

My goal is display floating div above a tag.

Here is my template.

<a href="#none" v-for="busstop in busstops"
<div :class="['marker-info', markInfoBusStop.markerInfoActiveClass]"

Vue code is below.

data: {
  markInfoBusStop: { 
      busStopNo: '12345',
      markerInfoActiveClass: '',
      markerInfoStyle: {
        left: '200px',
        top: '200px'
methods: {
  onMouseEnterBusStop: function(ev) {
    let left = ev.clientX;
    let top = ev.clientY;
    this.markInfoBusStop.markerInfoActiveClass = 'active';
    this.markInfoBusStop.markerInfoStyle.left = left + 'px';
    this.markInfoBusStop.markerInfoStyle.top = top + 'px';

I'm just using current mouse pointer's position, but need element's absolute position.

My legacy jquery is using $(this).position() as below.

$(document).on("mouseenter", "a.marker", function() {
    var left = $(this).position().left;
    var top = $(this).position().top;
    $(".marker-info").stop().addClass("active").css({"left":left, "top": top});

Thanks in advance.

like image 309
sungyong Avatar asked Dec 04 '18 08:12


2 Answers

This is not a Vue question per se, but more a javascript question. The common way to do this now is by using the element.getBoundingClientRect() method. In your case this would be:

Create a ref on your <a> element and pass that ref in a method like this:

<a ref = "busstop" 
    v-for="busstop in busstops" 
    @click = getPos(busstop)>

In your methods object create the method to handle the click:

methods: {
    getPos(busstop) {
         const left = this.$refs.busstop.getBoundingClientRect().left
         const top = this.$refs.busstop.getBoundingClientRect().top

Supported by all current browsers: https://caniuse.com/#feat=getboundingclientrect

More info here:


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Imre_G Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 14:10


this.markInfoBusStop.markerInfoStyle.left = left + 'px';

Above isn't reactive.

1. use Vue.set

See Doc

2. use computed

for example (you still need to customize to fit your needs.)


 left: 200,
 top: 200,


onMouseEnterBusStop: function(ev) {
  this.left = ev.clientX;
  this.top = ev.clientY;


markerInfoStyle: function(){
  return {
    left: this.left + 'px',
    top: this.top + 'px'
like image 28
Timothy Lee Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 13:10

Timothy Lee