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How to use Vue 3 Meta with Vue.js 3?

It seems that Vue Meta has been upgraded to handle Vue.js 3 with a new npm package called vue-3-meta

Before Vue.js 3, it was easy to use vue-meta by adding it to the Vue instance:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueMeta from 'vue-meta'
Vue.use(VueMeta, {
  // optional pluginOptions
  refreshOnceOnNavigation: true

However in Vue.js 3, there is no Vue instance; and instead you create the app by running createApp like such:

const app = createApp(App);
const router = createVueRouter();

// need to make app use Vue-Meta here

I cannot find any documentation for vue-3-meta. import VueMeta from 'vue-meta' no longer works.

How do I import the vue-3-meta plugin properly and use it with app like in prior versions?

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volume one Avatar asked Feb 16 '21 16:02

volume one

People also ask

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The Vue 3.1 migration build is a “special” version of Vue 3 that allows your existing Vue 2 app to run in a Vue 2 mode (or Vue 2-compatible mode).

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Gridsome does not support Vue 3 yet. For more info refer to the kanban board for the Vue 3 upgrade on GitHub.

How do I use Vue-meta in VUE 3?

Before Vue.js 3, it was easy to use vue-meta by adding it to the Vue instance: import Vue from 'vue' import VueMeta from 'vue-meta' Vue.use (VueMeta, { // optional pluginOptions refreshOnceOnNavigation: true }) However in Vue.js 3, there is no Vue instance; and instead you create the app by running createApp like such:

How to add information to meta-tags in a Vue app?

For Vue.js apps, you need a plugin such as vue-metato add information to meta-tags in the <headtag. Alternatively, you could change your index.htmlfile and hard code static information in meta-tags that are displayed on every page of your app. But if you have a lot of urls, you really don’t want to do that from an SEO perspective.

Can I use Vue meta tags for SSR?

A note on SSR and Pre-rendering Programmers who are using pre-rendering or server-side rendering (SSR) in their apps probably already use vue-meta, react-meta-tags or an alternative to add meta-tags for their app. For instance, vue-meta is officially used by Nuxt.js for Vue.js SSR.

How does Vue-meta handle concatenation of metadata?

Other metadata will be concatenated. vue-meta allows you to assign a special property called vmid to your metaInfo so that you can control how it resolves with your component tree. If two sets of metadata have the same vmid, such as a parent and child, they will not merge but instead, the child will override the parent.

Video Answer

3 Answers

Disclaimer: vue-meta v3 is still in alpha!

This was the minimal implementation I needed to get started:

  1. Update vue-meta to v3 (in package.json)

    - "vue-meta": "^2.4.0",
    + "vue-meta": "^3.0.0-alpha.7",

    ...or with yarn:

    yarn add vue-meta@alpha
  2. Add metaManager to Vue app

    import { createMetaManager } from 'vue-meta'
    const app = createApp(App)
      .use(createMetaManager()) // add this line
    await router.isReady()
  3. Add <metainfo> to App.vue <template> (this is also where I set a "title template")

        <template v-slot:title="{ content }">{{ content ? `${content} | SITE_NAME` : `SITE_NAME` }}</template>
      <header />
      <router-view />
      <footer />
  4. Set default meta in App.vue <script>
    Vue 3 vanilla:

    import { useMeta } from 'vue-meta'
    export default {
      setup () {
          title: '',
          htmlAttrs: { lang: 'en', amp: true }

    or with vue-class-component:

    import { setup, Vue } from 'vue-class-component'
    import { useMeta } from 'vue-meta'
    export default class App extends Vue {
      meta = setup(() => useMeta({
        title: '',
        htmlAttrs: { lang: 'en', amp: true }
  5. Override meta in each component
    Vue 3 vanilla:

    import { useMeta } from 'vue-meta'
    export default {
      setup () {
        useMeta({ title: 'Some Page' })

    or with vue-class-component:

    import { computed } from '@vue/runtime-core'
    import { setup, Vue } from 'vue-class-component'
    import { useMeta } from 'vue-meta'
    export default class SomePage extends Vue {
      meta = setup(() => useMeta(
        computed(() => ({ title: this.something?.field ?? 'Default' })))

See also:

  • "Quick Usage" (vue-meta next branch)
  • Vue Router Example (vue-meta next branch)
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charles-allen Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10


In addition to the previous answers, I also needed to add a transpileDependency in my vue.config.js, as I was using vue-cli:

module.exports = {
  transpileDependencies: ['vue-meta']

Else, I would get the error:

error  in ./node_modules/vue-meta/dist/vue-meta.esm-browser.min.js

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (8:7170)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders

Thanks to this thread for pointing me to this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/65844988/3433137

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ElectRocnic Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10


metaManager is a MetaManager instance created from createMetaManager() of vue-meta.

Based on the Vue 3 + Vue Router example for vue-meta, here's an example usage:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createMetaManager, defaultConfig, resolveOption, useMeta } from 'vue-meta'

const decisionMaker5000000 = resolveOption((prevValue, context) => {
  const { uid = 0 } = context.vm || {}
  if (!prevValue || prevValue < uid) {
    return uid

const metaManager = createMetaManager({
  esi: {
    group: true,
    namespaced: true,
    attributes: ['src', 'test', 'text']
}, decisionMaker5000000)

    og: {
      something: 'test'

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tony19 Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10
