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Vue JS loop with different components




I am using Vue JS to make a list that has one generic list item component. If there exists a none generic component that meets the correct type a custom component will be used.

 <email-queue-item v-for="item in queue"
                          v-if="type == 'EmailMessage'"></email-queue-item>
        <queue-item v-for="item in queue"

The code above better illustrates what I am trying to do. The problem I seem to have is due loops first creating two list and then checks the conditional. Is there a way in due to pick the right component vase on the type and then loop through the list?

The data Used to display these components is like this:

    name: Email,
    type: EmailMessage,
like image 350
John Doe Avatar asked May 18 '18 20:05

John Doe

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1 Answers

Dynamic components make this pretty easy in the template:

    :is="type == 'EmailMessage' ? 'email-queue-item' : 'queue-item'"
    v-for="item in queue"
like image 184
Stephen Thomas Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10

Stephen Thomas