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How to use a default value for undefined object property in VueJS interpolation?

How to use a default value for undefined object property in VueJS interpolation? My data is a computed variable and is undefined at first before selecting a selectedDataId in a selectbox so vue sends a "cannot read property 'grandChild' of undefined" error.

P.S.: I'm using lodash

    {{ selectedData.child.grandChild }}

new Vue({
   data: {
       selectedDataId: null,
       selectedData: {},
       data: [ //array of objects here ]
   computed: {
       selectedData() {
           return _.find(this.data, (d) => {
               return d.id == this.selectedDataId;
like image 675
jonan.pineda Avatar asked Nov 19 '16 02:11


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2 Answers

You could use the following pattern:

{{ selectedData.child && selectedData.child.grandChild || 'default value' }}

It will safely check for grandChild and print "default value" if it is falsy.

like image 125
str Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09


you are declaring selectedData twice, you should remove it from the data object.

as for an issue with it being undefined you could just test for this within your templates: v-if="selectedItem" or methods: if (selectedItem)

You don't really need lodash here as Vue has a built in filter method:

selectedData() {
    const selectedItem = this.data.filter((item) => {
        return item.id == this.selectedDataId

    return selectedItem.length ? selectedItem[0] : {} // i'd set null here on fail

Rather than a default object I would probably just set the above to null if the selectedItem.length is 0. Then the above tests will work, passing an empty object will make them truthy.

like image 37
GuyC Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
