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Skip first result from v-for vuejs2

I'm working with laravel 5.5 and vuejs2 and lodash project. I want to skip first coming data in result like the image below. This is my vuejs2 code.

new Vue({
    arrayresults: [{id:'' ,username: '',useremail: '',userphone:'',}],  
    searchData: _.debounce(function(){
        if(this.message != '')
            this.noresult = false;
            this.arrayresults = [{id:'' ,username: '',useremail: '',userphone:'',}],    
                url: path+'usersearch',
                data: {data:this.message},
                success:(data) => {
                    if(data.length >= 1)
                        for(i = 0;i<data.length;i++)
                        this.ok = true;
                        this.ok = false;
                        this.noresult = true;
            this.ok = false;
            this.arrayresults = [{id:'' ,username: '',useremail: '',userphone:'',}];

This is my laravel blade code:

        <div v-if="ok" id='search-result' v-cloak>
        <table class='table table-responsive thead-text' border='5'>
                <tr class='success'>
                <tr v-for='(arrayresult ,key ,id) in arrayresults' class='warning'>
                    <td class='hidden-print'>
                        <a v-bind:href="'/{{$path}}/users/' + arrayresult.id" class='btn btn-success'>{{trans('language.show')}}</a>
                        @can('users.update')<a v-bind:href="'/{{$path}}/users/' + arrayresult.id + '/edit'" class='btn btn-info'>{{trans('language.edit')}}</a>@endcan

Everything is ok so far except that the first value is looking null without result when i set the array like this:

                this.arrayresults = [{id:'' ,username: '',useremail: '',userphone:'',}],    

The result shows like this:

enter image description here

I want to remove the first null value from the search.

like image 614
Awar Pulldozer Avatar asked Dec 18 '17 21:12

Awar Pulldozer

3 Answers

use v-for + v-if (see guide)

When they exist on the same node, v-for has a higher priority than v-if. That means the v-if will be run on each iteration of the loop separately. This can be useful when you want to render nodes for only some items, like below:

UPDATED: Added a better approach


new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  computed: {
    filteredArray() {
      return this.array.filter(item => !!item.firstName);
  data: {
    array: [
      firstName: '',
      lastName: '',
      age: 0
      firstName: 'Dirk',
      lastName: 'Doe',
      age: 41
      firstName: 'Julia',
      lastName: 'Doe',
      age: 25
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
  <li v-for="user in filteredArray">
      {{ user.firstName }} - age: {{user.age}}
  <pre>old array = {{ array }}</pre>
like image 158
Volodymyr Symonenko Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11

Volodymyr Symonenko


this.arrayresults = [{id:'' ,username: '',useremail: '',userphone:'',}] 


this.arrayresults = []
like image 2
Decade Moon Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11

Decade Moon

What Voldymyr wrote

<li v-for="(value, index) in array" v-if="value.firstName">
      {{ value.firstName }} - index: {{index}}

seems fine to exclude data which has got firstname null or empty. But to avoid the first record (that's what you asked), the best way I can think of is,

<li v-for="(value, index) in array" v-if="index">
  {{ value.firstName }} - index: {{index}}

The index will be 0 for the first record, and v-if(index) will be false.

like image 2
Tom Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11
