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VS2017 installer - the package manifest failed signature validation

I have VS2015 installed, and previously had VS2017 installed on this machine. Adding an extension on VS2017 seemed to completely break my install, so I figured the next thing to do would be to reinstall VS2017.

Oh how I wish I didn't.

The installer has been failing with "The package manifest failed signature validation" I've tried following steps:

  • https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/19633/the-package-manifest-failed-signature-validation.html

  • Deleting VS15 registry keys

  • Installing VS certificates manually

  • Potentially more.

When running the installer, I am presented with:

enter image description here

prior to even selecting a product to install.

When attempting to follow "offline installer" steps at https://www.hanselman.com/blog/HowToMakeAnOfflineInstallerForVS2017.aspx

On the step where I run:

vs_community.exe --layout e:\vs2017offline --lang en-US

I am presented with (eventually) a console window:

enter image description here

The log files for the installation.


[0df4:000c][2017-05-24T08:37:22] Setup Engine v1.10.101, Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.10586.0
[0df4:000c][2017-05-24T08:37:22] Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\ServiceHub\Hosts\Microsoft.ServiceHub.Host.CLR\vs_installerservice.exe" desktopClr$C94B8CFE-E3FD-4BAF-A941-2866DBB566FE 18a10ed3a2b52a1e605bf4679dbe1364
[0df4:000c][2017-05-24T08:37:24] ManifestVerifier verification: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Stack:    at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(String name, Object[] args)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Security.ManifestMethods.CalculateHashValue(String dataBlob, String hashMethod)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Security.ManifestVerifier.CheckSign(ManifestDoc manifestDoc, Signature signature, String layoutCertPath)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Security.ManifestVerifier.Verify(FileStream fileStream, String path, String layoutCertPath)
[0df4:000c][2017-05-24T08:37:24] ManifestVerifier Result: Exception


2017-05-24T08:37:01 : Verbose : Visual Studio Installer (1.10.30637.0 : update2) ["C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Installer\\vs_installershell.exe","/finalizeInstall","install","--in","C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\Packages\\_bootstrapper\\vs_setup_bootstrapper.json","--locale","en-US","--activityId","78239d59-bc71-44e1-b8c6-e67d586fbba5","--campaign","1601306246.1493817089"]
2017-05-24T08:37:02 : Verbose : Creating VS Telemetry Survey
2017-05-24T08:37:03 : Verbose : Received the application ready notification
2017-05-24T08:37:03 : Verbose : Starting ServiceHub Experimentation client.
2017-05-24T08:37:09 : Verbose : Calling ExperimentationProviderService.Initialize()
2017-05-24T08:37:09 : Verbose : ServiceHub Experimentation client started.
2017-05-24T08:37:09 : Verbose : ExperimentsIpcRpcService listening to ipc channel: ExperimentsProxy
2017-05-24T08:37:09 : Verbose : Experiments Ipc Service started.
2017-05-24T08:37:09 : Verbose : Telemetry Session ID: 2b7ca8c1-aa76-4fe1-81eb-36936b1e32d7
2017-05-24T08:37:09 : Verbose : Connected to Hub Controller's client watch 'net.pipe://1140e3f8da9d1a14f42763f0648c14f4'
2017-05-24T08:37:09 : Verbose : ServiceHubExperimentationClient.setSharedProperty(name, value) called,
 [name: VS.ABExp.Flights] [value: lazytoolboxinit;fwlargebuffer;refactoring;spmoretempsbtn1;c32bca7948ab42c;tn-none-15b;vswlaunchbcf]
2017-05-24T08:37:10 : Verbose : Calling ExperimentationProviderService.IsFlightEnabledAsync(flightId). [flightId: VSWLaunchBanner]
2017-05-24T08:37:10 : Verbose : ServiceHubExperimentationClient.postEvent(name, properties) called.
 [name: VS/ABExp/FlightRequest] [properties: {"VS.ABExp.Flight":"vswlaunchbanner","VS.ABExp.Result":"False"}]
2017-05-24T08:37:10 : Verbose : Resolved ExperimentationProviderService.IsFlightEnabledAsync(flightId).
 [flightId: VSWLaunchBanner] [result: false]
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : Getting installed product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine]
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : Starting the installed products provider service.
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : Starting the products provider service.
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : Getting product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine]
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : Starting the installer service.
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : Calling SetupEngine.Installer.Initialize. [locale: en-US]
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : SetupEngine.Installer.Initialize succeeded. [locale: en-US]
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : Started the installer service.
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : Calling SetupEngine.Installer.IsElevated.
2017-05-24T08:37:11 : Verbose : SetupEngine.Installer.IsElevated succeeded.
2017-05-24T08:37:22 : Verbose : Started the products provider service.
2017-05-24T08:37:22 : Verbose : Started the installed products provider service.
2017-05-24T08:37:22 : Verbose : Getting product. [installerId: SetupEngine, productId: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Professional].
2017-05-24T08:37:24 : Error : Failed to get product. [installerId: SetupEngine, productId: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Professional, error: The installer manifest failed signature validation. at    at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.Load(String path, Boolean skipVerify)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.Load(Uri manifestUri, Uri channelUri, Uri installChannelUri, CancellationToken token, Boolean skipVerify)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.Load(ChannelNode`1 channelProduct, CancellationToken token, Boolean skipVerify)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductInstaller.CreateEngine(IEngineFactory engineFactory, IServiceProvider engineServiceProvider, IProgressReporter progressReporter, IMessageBus messageBus, IRestartManager restartManager, String instanceId, ChannelNode`1 channelProductSummary)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductInstaller.GetEngine()
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductInstaller..ctor(ILogger logger, String language, LocalizedResourceFallback languageFallback, IEngineFactory engineFactory, IRestartManager restartManager, IInstance instance, ChannelNode`1 channelProductSummary, VersionBundle latestVersion, IServiceProvider setupServiceProvider)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductInstallerFactory.Create(ChannelNode`1 channelProductSummary, IInstance instance, VersionBundle latestVersion)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductInstallerCache.GetInstaller(String installerId, Func`2 func)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductsProviderService.GetProduct(String channelId, String productId)]
2017-05-24T08:38:09 : Verbose : Closing installer. Return code: 0.
2017-05-24T08:38:09 : Verbose : [ProductsProviderImpl]: Rpc connection was closed.
2017-05-24T08:38:09 : Verbose : [InstalledProductsProviderImpl]: Rpc connection was closed.
2017-05-24T08:38:09 : Verbose : [InstallerImpl]: Rpc connection was closed.

I'm not sure what else to try, Microsoft live support did not offer anything new that I hadn't already tried in the above links.

Has anyone else experienced this and know how to help?

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the installer seems to be in such an unusable state, that I cannot sign in to report an issue. Additionally, the developercommunity.visualstudio.com website seems to have problems logging me in with my microsoft account as well.

[click sign inimmediately get presented with error (where is the credential window? can't do anything on the screen without signing in

like image 751
Kritner Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 12:10


1 Answers

Follow the below steps to get rid of this "The package manifest failed signature validation" problem:

  1. search "certmgr.msc"

    enter image description here

  2. Click Import

    enter image description here

  3. Import all certificates one by one from the installer certificates folder.

    enter image description here

  4. Run the installer again

like image 98
Irshad Ahmed Akhonzada Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Irshad Ahmed Akhonzada