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VS2010 profiler/leak detection

Anyone know of a profiler and leak detector that will work with VS2010 code? Preferably one that runs on Win7.

I've searched here and in google. I've found one leak detector that works (Memory Validator) but I'm not too impressed. For one thing it shows a bunch of menu leaks and stuff which I'm fairly confident are not real. I also tried GlowCode but it's JUST a profiler and refuses to install on win7.

I used to use AQtime. It had everything I needed, memory/resource leak detection, profiling various things, static analysis, etc. Unfortunately it gives bogus results now.

My main immediate issue is that VS2010 is saying there are leaks in a program that had none in VS2005. I'm almost certain it's false positives but I can't seem to find a good tool to verify this. Memory Validator doesn't show the same ones and the reporting of leaks from VS doesn't seem rational.

like image 940
Edward Strange Avatar asked Apr 15 '10 18:04

Edward Strange

People also ask

Can Visual Studio detect memory leak?

The Visual Studio debugger and C Run-time Library (CRT) can help you detect and identify memory leaks.

How do I find a memory leak with Visualvm?

Analyze Running Code With Visualvm Perform the operation that causes the sluggish performance. Inspect the 'Monitor' and the 'memory pools' tab. If you see that your memory increases in the 'Monitor' tab, try pressing 'Perform GC' (garbage collection) and see if that decreases memory usage.

1 Answers

For finding memory leaks you can try Visual Leak Detection tool.

like image 153
Wacek Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 03:11
