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Improving the quality of code?



So, in reading this site, it seems that the shop in which I work does a lot of things wrong and some things right. How can I improve the code that I work with from my colleagues? The only thing I can think of is to lead by example - start using Boost, etc. Any other thoughts?

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jdt141 Avatar asked Oct 02 '08 00:10


People also ask

What is code improvement?

Code improvement at the level of basic blocks is known as local optimization. It focuses on the elimination of redundant opera- tions (e.g., unnecessary loads or common subexpression calculations), and on effective instruction scheduling and register allocation.

What are the qualities of a good code?

For the code to be easy enough to change, it needs to be readable, testable, and reusable. It also needs to be reliable, maintainable, and gracefully handle failures without any user effort.

Why is code quality important?

Clarity: The quality of your code can be tested when it can be easily read and understood by anyone who is not even the creator of the code. If the code is easy to understand, maintaining and extending it becomes easier for an expert who is new at the development process.

1 Answers

You probably have to look more closely at what it is your shop does wrong and what they do right. What can you actually change there? What can you change about your own practices that will improve your skills or that of your team? It can be difficult to realize change in an entrenched shop. Try proposing code reviews (on your code first), which could lead to discussion.

For tangible items, I'd look at Scott Meyers' Effective C++, etc. Develop your skillset and you will either help improve others around you or move on to a shop that will. Also, look at the Gang of Four's Design Patterns book.

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Kris Kumler Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

Kris Kumler