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Is Updating double operation atomic




In Java, updating double and long variable may not be atomic, as double/long are being treated as two separate 32 bits variables.


In C++, if I am using 32 bit Intel Processor + Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, is updating double (8 byte) operation atomic?

I cannot find much specification mention on this behavior.

When I say "atomic variable", here is what I mean :

Thread A trying to write 1 to variable x. Thread B trying to write 2 to variable x.

We shall get value 1 or 2 out from variable x, but not an undefined value.

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Cheok Yan Cheng Avatar asked Aug 18 '09 09:08

Cheok Yan Cheng

2 Answers

This is hardware specific and depends an the architecture. For x86 and x86_64 8 byte writes or reads are guaranteed to be atomic, if they are aligned. Quoting from the Intel Architecture Memory Ordering White Paper:

Intel 64 memory ordering guarantees that for each of the following memory-access instructions, the constituent memory operation appears to execute as a single memory access regardless of memory type:

  1. Instructions that read or write a single byte.

  2. Instructions that read or write a word (2 bytes) whose address is aligned on a 2 byte boundary.

  3. Instructions that read or write a doubleword (4 bytes) whose address is aligned on a 4 byte boundary.

  4. Instructions that read or write a quadword (8 bytes) whose address is aligned on an 8 byte boundary.

All locked instructions (the implicitly locked xchg instruction and other read-modify-write instructions with a lock prefix) are an indivisible and uninterruptible sequence of load(s) followed by store(s) regardless of memory type and alignment.

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Gunther Piez Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 03:10

Gunther Piez

It's safe to assume that updating a double is never atomic, even if it's size is the same as an int with atomic guarantee. The reason is that if has different processing path since it's a non-critical and expensive data type. For example even data barriers usually mention that they don't apply to floating point data/operations in general.

Visual C++ will allign primitive types (see article) and while that should guarantee that it's bits won't get garbled while writing to memory (8 byte allignment is always in one 64 or 128 bit cache line) the rest depends on how CPU handles non-atomic data in it's cache and whether reading/flushing a cache line is interruptable. So if you dig through Intel docs for the kind of core you are using and it gives you that guarantee then you are safe to go.

The reason why Java spec is so conservative is that it's supposed to run the same way on an old 386 and on Corei7. Which is of course delusional but a promise is a promise, therefore it promisses less :-)

The reason I'm saying that you have to look up CPU doc is that your CPU might be an old 386, or alike :-)) Don't forget that on a 32-bit CPU your 8-byte block takes 2 "rounds" to access so you are down to the mercy of the mechanics of the cache access.

Cache line flushing giving much higher data consistency guarantee applies only to a reasonably recent CPU with Intel-ian guarantee (automatic cache consistency).

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ZXX Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 04:10