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VS11 Dev Preview Unit Test Explorer doesn’t show Unit Tests

I wonder has anyone come across with this issue where the MSTest Unit Test doesn’t show up in the new Unit Test Explorer.

I’m running Windows 7 (32bit). I downloaded the VS11 Developer Preview from the link below. http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=27543

I created a sample C# Console App, and add the Test Library from the MSTest project template. Then I created a sample Unit Test, and rebuild the solution. When I open the Test Explorer (View->OtherWindows->UnitTest Explorer) I do not see any tests loaded.

I only see a message saying… “No test discovered. Please build your project and ensure the appropriate test framework adapter is installed”.

I assume the MSTest adapter is automatically installed. If not I’m not even sure how to install an adapter.

I could be missing something here but I cannot figure it out. Has anyone experiencing this issue?

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Spock Avatar asked Sep 29 '11 10:09


2 Answers

Found out that at this only works with Windows8. (At this stage) More info http://jerssoft.blogspot.com/2011/09/vs11-unit-test-explorer-acercamientos.html#more (you need to translate to English)

"Of course, all this work the right way if we have properly configured and in the final version , since according to understand, if you want to try this plugin, you need to be working with Windows 8 :) "


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Spock Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10


If you are using VS Ultimate version of VS 11 developer preview, then it support MStest based unittesting for Windows7 style apps/projects if that is what you were trying out. It is possible that you are hitting a bug. Will it possible for you to share your repro steps?

Thanks, Abhishek Agrawal Program Manager, Visual Studio, Microsoft Corp

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Abhishek Agrawal Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10

Abhishek Agrawal