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Visual Studio 2010 opens wrong file

Visual Studio has a habit of opening the wrong file in my solution - only a small proportion of the time, but several times a day and often enough to be annoying. It can happen when doing any of the following:

  • Opening a file from solution explorer
  • Using F7 to switch between aspx and code behind
  • Right clicking a method and selecting "go to declaration"

Has anyone else experienced this and have any ideas as to what could cause / fix this?

Update: I've finally got round to installing SP1 and it still occurs so I'm back to looking for a solution.

In case it's relevant, I've got both Resharper 5.1 and Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools installed.

Update 2: It looks like Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools was part of the problem, I’ve uninstalled it and have not had issues since.

like image 775
Andy Avatar asked Apr 21 '11 09:04


1 Answers

I uninstalled Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools and it now works.

like image 64
Andy Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10
