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VS 2017 mouse navigate backward stopped working with ReSharper

I like the VS feature to navigate backwards (e.g. after Ctrl+Click) using mouse back button. Unfortunately this feature stopped working. Literally using mouse back button does nothing. I have found out that navigation works again when I disable ReSharper. However, with enabled ReSharper it does not. Does anyone meet the same issues? I am using ReSharper 2017.2.2 and VS 2017 15.4.4.

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Ondra Netočný Avatar asked Nov 16 '17 12:11

Ondra Netočný

1 Answers

Microsoft introduced its own Ctrl+Click feature implementation in the latest build of VS2017, try disabling it here Tools | Options | TExt Editor | General | Untick "Enable mouse click to perform Go to Definition" ckeckbox to get the correct behaviour back.

like image 153
Alexander Kurakin Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10

Alexander Kurakin