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VisualStudio 2015 Update 2 Xamarin unable to connect to Mac OSX

After upgrading my Visual Studio to Update 2, I tried to do my first steps with Xamarin. However I am unable to connect my MacBook.

This is my Setup: MacBook Pro with OSX 10.11.3 Windows 10 Enterprise - newest updates installed Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Update 2

Down below is the error I get when trying to connect my MacBook.

Starting Broker in port 56182...
Couldn't connect to Maurices-MacBook-Pro.local. Please try again.
Disconnected from Mac Maurices-MacBook-Pro.local (
bash: /Users/maurice/Library/Caches/Xamarin/XMA/Broker/ Permission denied

I did check, it created the folders and due to the permission denied error I did a chown for the user I use to login to the mac for the whole Xamarin directory - did not help...

If someone could help me solve my little problem I would be happy.

Thanks in advance.

After changing the Channel to Alpha I get this:

Starting Broker in port 54771...
Disconnected from Mac Maurices-MacBook-Pro.local (
Couldn't connect to Maurices-MacBook-Pro.local. Please try again.
Timeout für den Vorgang wurde überschritten.
Downloading /Users/maurice/Library/Logs/Xamarin-4.1/2016-04-01__01-16-08.10484.Broker.stderr.log...

Xamarin.Messaging.VisualStudio.MessagingService Information: 0 : [2016-04-01 01:21:18.4551] Starting Broker in port 55014...
Xamarin.Messaging.Client.Ssh.SshCommands Error: 0 : [2016-04-01 01:21:19.3288] mono cannot be found.

It is nowhere written that I have to have mono on my mac ...

After installing mono I received this error ...

Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.Messaging.State.ServerStateContext Information: 0 : [2016-04-01 03:19:54.9773] MacServer State transition from DisconnectedState to SshConnectingState on Maurices-MacBook-Pro.local (
Xamarin.Messaging.VisualStudio.MessagingService Information: 0 : [2016-04-01 03:20:05.7313] Starting Broker in port 58821...
Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.Messaging.State.ServerStateContext Information: 0 : [2016-04-01 03:20:12.0435] MacServer State transition from SshConnectingState to DisconnectedState on Maurices-MacBook-Pro.local (
Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.Messaging.State.ServerStateContext Information: 0 : [2016-04-01 03:20:12.0485] Disconnected from Mac Maurices-MacBook-Pro.local (
Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.Messaging.State.DisconnectedState Error: 0 : [2016-04-01 03:20:12.1445] Couldn't connect to Maurices-MacBook-Pro.local. Please try again.
Xamarin.VisualStudio.IOS.Messaging.State.DisconnectedState Error: 0 : [2016-04-01 03:20:12.1505] Xamarin.Messaging.Broker.BrokerServer Information: 0 : Starting broker...

Xamarin.Messaging.Broker.BrokerAgent Information: 0 : Starting Agent: Broker (PID=1963)
Xamarin.Messaging.Broker.BrokerAgent Information: 0 : Broker agent started
Failed-Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1

Xamarin.Messaging.Exceptions.MessagingException: Xamarin.Messaging.Broker.BrokerServer Information: 0 : Starting broker...
Xamarin.Messaging.Broker.BrokerAgent Information: 0 : Starting Agent: Broker (PID=1963)
Xamarin.Messaging.Broker.BrokerAgent Information: 0 : Broker agent started
Failed-Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1
like image 565
mhenkel Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 21:03


2 Answers

Xamarin for Visual Studio doesn't install some requirements on the Mac side like Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Mac and Mono. All of those are requirements that are installed by the Xamarin Studio installer on the Mac (from http://xamarin.com/download). You should hit that URL from the Mac itself to get the Mac download, otherwise you'll see the Windows download.

As mentioned before, you will also need to configure "Remote Login" on the Mac. And additionally, you need an open session on the Mac with the same credentials you're using from Windows to connect. On other words, if you're using a 'User1' on the Mac, that User1 should be logged in on the Mac, and those Mac credentials will be the ones Visual Studio is asking for when it tries to connect.

For more help please take a look at the troubleshooting guide.

Finally, if you're still facing issues connecting to your Mac, please share the logs (Help - Xamarin - Zip Logs). That includes diagnostic information that can be very helpful.


like image 138
Jose Gallardo Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Jose Gallardo

Try changing to the "Alpha Channel" must be changed in Visual Studio and Xamarin study and update all

like image 35
Aderson Rangel Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Aderson Rangel