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Visual Studio XAML editor ignoring key presses in the property tab

Sometimes, when editing my Window in the XAML editor, the property tab just locks it self from receiving any keyboard press, I can`t even add events, I have to restart VS to work again. I still can edit using the XAML code, but the properties became read-only.

Am I the only one having this problem? Any workaround?

btw: desktop WPF

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Nicke Manarin Avatar asked Nov 10 '14 13:11

Nicke Manarin

1 Answers

There is a workaround posted by Tuan Tran 2 on 10/9/2014 at 7:36 PM on Microsoft Visual Studio and NET Framework Home Page:

  1. Open Notepad, copy and paste this piece of code: taskkill /f /im XDesProc.exe

  2. Save it with .bat extension.

  3. Run the file by double click it whenever the property windows is not responding.

... or instead, simply kill the process XDesProc.exe in Task Manager.

Visual Studio will then give you the option to start again the designer. For what I read, Microsoft have knowledge of this bug, but there is no status for it yet. Hope they resolve the issue very soon.

* UPDATE * @ajakblackgoat, great idea! You can add the command to Visual Studio as an External Tool:


and use it directly in the Tools Menu:


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Exel Gamboa Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Exel Gamboa