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Create Vector From Image

I've read 1,000 posts saying it's possible, but for the life of me, I can't find how to create a vector in XAML from a PNG. Could somebody please point me to any posts that explain how I can create a vector from a PNG for use in a WPF application?

like image 338
senfo Avatar asked Aug 17 '11 18:08


People also ask

Can I vectorize an image for free?

Vectorization (or image tracing) can be done online for free. Go to Photopea.com. Press File - Open, and open your raster image.

Can you create a vector file from a JPG?

Making a vector file of, for example, a JPG or a PNG file can be done with programs such as Illustrator, Photoshop, and Indesign. Making a (free) vector can also be done online.

1 Answers

Hopefully this will help

Download and install Inkscape (internally using Potrace). Here is a good article on the subject:
Vectorize Bitmaps to XAML using Potrace and Inkscape.
Here is a summary from the link..

  • Run Inkscape
  • Select "File -> Open" and browse to PNG
  • When asked about "Link or embed image:", select "embed"
  • Select the newly opened image with the Mouse
  • Select "Path -> Trace Bitmap..."
  • Select "Colors" in the "Multiple scans: create a group of paths" GroupBox
  • Select "OK" to execute the trace
  • Close the "Trace Bitmap" Window
  • Delete the original image by selecting "Edit -> Invert Selection" and press Delete.
  • Choose "File -> Save As...", select "Microsoft XAML" and save

..and you should have your XAML file converted from a PNG.

like image 159
Fredrik Hedblad Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Fredrik Hedblad