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Visual Studio version-agnostic projects/solutions: is it possible?

I remember seeing an open source project within the last year that I was able to open in both VS 2008 and VS 2010 without an upgrade wizard popping up. I think...

Is it possible to create a project/solution that will open up in any version of Visual Studio without prompting me to run the upgrade wizard? If so, how do I do this?

Information for both C++ and C# projects would be most helpful.

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Merlyn Morgan-Graham Avatar asked Nov 11 '11 11:11

Merlyn Morgan-Graham

People also ask

How do I create a solution File in Visual Studio 2022 for an existing project?

Add files to a solution To add an item to a solution, on the context (right-click) menu of the solution node in Solution Explorer, select Add > New Item, or Add > Existing Item. A solution file is a structure for organizing projects in Visual Studio.

What is the difference between solution and project in Visual Studio?

A project is contained within a solution. Despite its name, a solution isn't an "answer". It's simply a container for one or more related projects, along with build information, Visual Studio window settings, and any miscellaneous files that aren't associated with a particular project.

What is a solution in Visual Studio?

Solutions are containers used by Visual Studio to organize one or more related projects. When you open a solution in Visual Studio, it will automatically load all the projects it contains.

2 Answers

You can, use CMake and generate VSx solution.

I think the project that you have seen had 2 visual studio solutions for different visual studio versions.

Update: Also, you can use http://sourceforge.net/projects/vspc/ or see http://www.emmet-gray.com/Articles/ProjectConverter.htm

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neagoegab Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09


The solution format hasn't changed significantly over the visual studio versions except the version number. If the code itself is generic enough (not using linq, etc) then you can edit the first line of the solution file to "downgrade" the version.

VS2005 uses:

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
# Visual Studio 2005
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Deanna Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
