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Visual Studio - Shortcut to Navigate to Solution Explorer


should shift focus to the Solution Explorer.

For visual studio 2012 use:

CTRL+[ + S this selects your current document in the solution explorer.

When using VS 2012 with the Visual C# 2005 keyboard mapping scheme:


I find this easier to memorize: All shortcuts beginning with CTRL+W are for opening or navigating to W indows:

  • CTRL+W, S: S olution Explorer
  • CTRL+W, E: E rror list
  • CTRL+W, R: R esourceview
  • CTRL+W, A: Command window (A ction ...)
  • CTRL+W, T: T askview
  • CTRL+W, Q: Find Symbol Results
  • CTRL+W, X: Toolbo x
  • CTRL+W, C: C lassview
  • CTRL+W, P: P roperties
  • CTRL+W, B: B ookmarks
  • ...

In Visual Studio 2012 you can now use CTRL+; as this is the default keyboard shortcut for the solution explorer search box.

On my windows 7 machine : Ctrl+ALT+L locks the computer.

For me : Shift+ALT+L works. (This could also be a resharper configuration)

  1. shortcut ctrl [, S will focus current open file/document in solution explorer.
  2. setting checkbox to true in "Track active in Solution Explorer" will automatically focus current open file/document in solution explorer (Tools->Options->Projects and solutions->General->"Track Active Item in Solution Explorer"=true

The default keyboard shortcut for opening/jumping to Solution Explorer is Ctrl + Alt + L.

Extended above : command name for sync tab with solution explorer is "SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument"