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Visual Studio settings: How to set vertical split view to default

I am working with C#(WPF) and when I open XAML file it splits to Vertical every time, I'm changing to Horizontal, but when I reopen again it still Vertical, is it possible to set default to Horizontal view.
First is Vertical view
Second is Horizontal view

Vertical view

Horizontal view

like image 854
Jamaxack Avatar asked Oct 30 '14 05:10


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If you want to split the same class: Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard -> search by Window. Split and add a new shortcut. Show activity on this post. In visual Studio 2015 right click tab part where file name is written and select vertical split or horizontal split.

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2 Answers

This is late answer, since this feature is available on Visual Studio 2015. For setting the Xaml code view to Vertical or Horizontal you can see steps below: Picture

like image 108
Jamaxack Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09


Custom layouts are a feature of the upcoming Visual Studio 2015. Users will be able to save a selection of custom layouts and save/load these.

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DAVEWASLIN Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09