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Visual Studio: How to show Overloads in IntelliSense?

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How do you check vs overload codes?

Hitting ( after the method name did the trick, and I can use up and down arrow keys to navigate between overloads. I found that I can use Ctrl+Shift+Space thanks to your answer.

How do I show IntelliSense in Visual Studio?

Ctrl + Space should do it.

What is the purpose of overloads keyword in VB net?

Overloads keyword Overloading in general refers to creating multiple procedures with the same name that accept different argument types in a given class. You can use the Overloads keyword to declare a property or a method with the same name but with a different argument list.

Try the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-Space. This corresponds to Edit.ParameterInfo, in case you've changed the default.


descriptive screenshot, by jp2code

Ctrl+Shift+Space shows the Edit.ParameterInfo for the selected method, and by selected method I mean the caret must be within the method parentheses.

Here is the Visual Studio 2010 Keybinding Poster.

And for those still using 2008.

Tested only on Visual Studio 2010.

Place your cursor within the (), press Ctrl+K, then P.

Now navigate by pressing the  ↑  / ↓   arrow keys.

The default key binding for this is Ctrl+Shift+Space. The underlying Visual Studio command is Edit.ParameterInfo.

If the standard keybinding doesn't work for you (possible in some profiles) then you can change it via the keyboard options page

  • Tools -> Options
  • Keyboard
  • Type in Edit.ParameterInfo
  • Change the shortcut key
  • Hit Assign

It happens that none of the above methods work. Key binding is proper, but tool tip simply doesn't show in any case, neither as completion help or on demand.

To fix it just go to Tools\Text Editor\C# (or all languages) and check the 'Parameter Information'. Now it should work

Great question; I had the same issue. Turns out that there is indeed a keyboard shortcut to bring up this list: Ctrl+Shift+Space (a variation of the basic IntelliSense shortcut of Ctrl+Space).