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Visual Studio Help - The "RunCommand" property is not defined

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017. I have created a project with multiple classes to be compiled. The primary class I want the application to run first has public static void Main(string[] args) in it already. In the library, I've set properties to the following:

  • Target Framework: .NET standard 2.0
  • Output type: Console Application
  • Startup object: Main.Game

Still, the error persists with all the forums I have visited. If you have encountered this problem, please guide me through so I can compile my program. Thank you :)

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Cole Connelly Avatar asked Aug 24 '17 03:08

Cole Connelly

4 Answers

I was facing this issue in my Visual Studio 2017 15.7.2 version. The cause for this issue in my case was, unknowingly I had changed my Asp.Net Core 2.1 Web API project output type to Class Library. Changing it back to Windows Application fixed my issue. Just sharing the same for the users who does silly mistakes like me.

enter image description here

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Sibeesh Venu Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

Sibeesh Venu

Try changing from netstandard2.0 to netcoreapp2.0 for Target Framework.

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ForcedFakeLaugh Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09


Unfortunately, Microsoft has this issue open (https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/833) for a long time, but has provided no answer.

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Ricardo Peres Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09

Ricardo Peres

From here

Try adding the following to you <PropertyGroup>:

<RunCommand>$(MSBuildExtensionsPath64)\..\IIS Express\iisexpress</RunCommand>
<RunArguments>/path:&quot;$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)&quot; /port:18082</RunArguments>
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Netanel Livni Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09

Netanel Livni