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Visual Studio Disabling Missing XML Comment Warning

As suggested above, in general I don't think that these warnings should be ignored (suppressed). To summarise, the ways around the warning would be to:

  • Suppress the warning by changing the project Properties > Build > Errors and warnings > Suppress warnings by entering 1591
  • Add the XML documentation tags (GhostDoc can be quite handy for that)
  • Suppress the warning via compiler options
  • Uncheck the "XML documentation file" checkbox in project Properties > Build > Output
  • Add #pragma warning disable 1591 at the top of the respective file and #pragma warning restore 1591 at the bottom

Disable the warning: Go to the Project properties(Right click on your project and choose Properties from the context menu) Go to the Build tab enter image description here

Add 1591 to the Suppress warnings textbox enter image description here

You can also modify your project's .csproj file to include a <noWarn>1591</noWarn> tag inside of the first <PropertyGroup>. Originally from Alexandru Bucur's Article Here

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

Go into project properties and uncheck the generate XML document option.

Uncheck XML documentation file

Recompile and the warnings should go away.

This would have been a comment but I couldn't get it to fit the limitation:

I would love to disable them just for the Reference.cs and WebService imports. Actually, I'm using a macro to do it for a file. Just open the file and execute this macro (tested in VS2010):

Sub PragmaWarningDisableForOpenFile()
    DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Insert("#pragma warning disable 1591")
    DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Insert("#pragma warning restore 1591")
End Sub

There is really no way to do this automatically? You would have to redo this every time the auto-generated code overrides the file.