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Visual Studio 2010 shortcut to find classes and methods?

People also ask

How do I see all methods in Visual Studio?

The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + E .

What is Ctrl Shift F in Visual Studio?

Ctrl-Shift-F is used to find all the ocuurance of a string with in entire solution and display find result window as shown below. Ctrl-F is used to find a string in the current document, project and all open documents one by one.

Visual Studio 2010 has the "Navigate To" command, which might be what you are looking for. The default keyboard shortcut is CTRL + ,. Here is an overview of some of the options for navigating in Visual Studio 2010.

Ctrl+T in Visual Studio 2017.

Try Alt+F12 in Visual Studio 2010.

It opens up the Find Symbol dialogue which allows you to search for methods, classes, etc.

Use the "Go To Find Combo Box" with the ">of" command. CTRL+/ or CTRL+D are the standard hotkeys.

For example, go to the combo box (CTRL+/) and type: >of MyClassName. As you type, intellisense will refine the options in the dropdown.

In my experience, this is faster than Navigate To and doesn't bring up another dialog to deal with. Also, this combo box has a lot of other nifty little shortcut commands:

Using the Go To Find Combo Box

This textbox used to be the default on the Standard toolbar in Visual Studio. It was removed in Visual Studio 2012, so you have to add it back using menu ToolsCustomize. The hotkeys may have changed too: I'm not sure since mine are all customized.

Left click on a method and press the F12 key to Go To Definition. Other Actions also available