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Visual Studio 2017 With SpecFlow

I am running VS 2015 and VS 2017 side-by-side. I have installed TechTalk's SpecFlow from Nuget plus Nunit, the same on both VS versions. When I try to Add New Item a new feature file I can do this on VS 2015 but on VS 2017 I can't see the SpecFlow feature template, or, indeed, any SpecFlow template. The reference to specflow is definitely in the references; there's a configsetting in the app.config for Specflow.

How do I start with SpecFlow in VS 2017 [v15.2 (26430.16) Release; .NET 4.6.01055; SpecFlow v2.2.0] ? Is SpecFlow even usable on VS 2017?

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Steven Digby Avatar asked Aug 10 '17 10:08

Steven Digby

People also ask

How do I enable SpecFlow in Visual Studio?

To enable the extension in Visual Studio, select Tools | Extensions and Updates…, select the “SpecFlow for Visual Studio” extension, then select Enable.

What is SpecFlow in Visual Studio?

What is SpecFlow? SpecFlow is a BDD framework for . NET which boosts your productivity by helping you with writing your feature files and automation code in your favorite IDE using C# and . NET methods.

2 Answers

For item templates, intellisense and some other features you need to install the SpecFlow Visual Studio Extension in Visual Studio.

Extension for VS 2015: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=TechTalkSpecFlowTeam.SpecFlowforVisualStudio2015

Extension for VS 2017: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=TechTalkSpecFlowTeam.SpecFlowforVisualStudio2017

After installation you have the item templates available.

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Andreas Willich Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Andreas Willich

Andreas' answer is correct - the answer is to install the extension. However, the Download button on the URL above seems to do nothing, so it's best to install the extension from Visual Studio (select “Tools”, “Extensions and Updates…” from the menu. Click on "Online" on the left, and search for "SpecFlow") Make sure all your open instances of VS are closed down to complete the installation, then 'Modify'.

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Steven Digby Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Steven Digby