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Visual Studio 2010 setup project: How to set company name used in default install location?

I have a console app project and a related setup project in the same solution. When I run the generated .msi, the install wizard shows following default Install location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Default Company Name\myApp\ 

How can I put my own company name?

like image 367
zubair Avatar asked Oct 24 '12 05:10


People also ask

Where is Visual Studio installer location?

The \Microsoft\VisualStudio\Shared directory is where Visual Studio stores the files that are shared by side-by-side Visual Studio installations. SDKs and tools are also stored in this directory.

How do I create a setup installation in Visual Studio?

Go to Extensions > Manage Extensions > Online > Search, find, download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects extension. 2). Add a new Setup Project in your solution > right-click Application Folder > Add > Project Output… > choose the corresponding Project > select Primary output > OK.

1 Answers

Open the Properties Window (NOT the right-click on the set-up project)

Use the toolbar View -> Properties Window

VS 2013/2017 on windows 7: Keyboard shortcut F4

VS 2010 on windows 7: Keyboard shortcut sequence Ctrl + W and then Ctrl + P

Now select your set-up project in the Solution Explorer window, the Properties window should populate with the info (e.g. author, language, program title etc.) that you can edit

like image 108
ono2012 Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 16:11
