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Visual Studio 2008 switches active project in solutions

I don't know how it happened, but for about a week now Visual Studio keeps switching the active project everytime I move between files (of different projects) in the same solution. Of course when I press F5 to start debugging or Ctrl+F5 to run the tests, it tells me that it can't start because the class library can't be started directly... It switched the active project again.

This is driving me nuts and I can't find a setting to turn it off. I've got the following addins installed:

  • ReSharper 4.5
  • TeamCity
  • AnkhSVN 2.0.something (latest)
  • GhostDoc
  • Gallio

I've enabled and disabled the Track Active Item in Solution Explorer option, but that didn't help.

Anyone an idea?

Thank you!


  • I checked the ProjectGuid as suggested by sharptooth and all projects have a unique guid.
like image 733
grover Avatar asked Apr 14 '09 10:04


1 Answers

Right-click on your solution in Solution Explorer, select Common Properties - Startup Project in the treeview to the left and then adjust radiobuttons to the right as needed:

alt text http://www.rgoarchitects.com/nblog/content/binary/multistart.png

like image 137
Anton Gogolev Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11

Anton Gogolev