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In Visual Studio, programming .NET, how can I tell a file reference from a project reference?

I intend to combine a bunch of .NET projects, in separate solutions, into one solution. Some of the projects appear in more than one solution. It all happens to be C#, but I don't think that's relevant. We have a full range of projects, class project, windows forms, web site, web services.

The links between the projects are a mix of file references (Add Reference -> Browse Tab) and project references (Add Reference -> Projects Tab). I will want to change the file references to project references when all the projects are in the same solution.

Is there anywhere that the Visual Studio UI (I am using Visual Studio 2008) allows me to distinguish a project reference from a file reference? Failing that, is there an easy way to tell by looking at the project file with another tool, or even a text editor?

like image 219
RichardHowells Avatar asked Nov 19 '10 17:11


1 Answers

The Specific Version property will not appear in project references.

like image 164
SLaks Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
