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Visual Studio (2008) 'Clean Solution' Option

What does this option do? It is accessible from the Build menu.

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Julius A Avatar asked Oct 21 '08 13:10

Julius A

People also ask

How do I run a clean solution in Visual Studio?

To build, rebuild, or clean an entire solution Choose Build All to compile the files and components within the project that have changed since the most recent build. Choose Rebuild All to "clean" the solution and then builds all project files and components. Choose Clean All to delete any intermediate and output files.

What does clean option do in Visual Studio?

Choose Clean Solution to delete any intermediate and output files. With only the project and component files left, new instances of the intermediate and output files can then be built.

Is rebuild the same as clean and build?

For a multi-project solution, "rebuild solution" does a "clean" followed by a "build" for each project (possibly in parallel). Whereas a "clean solution" followed by a "build solution" first cleans all projects (possibly in parallel) and then builds all projects (possibly in parallel).

1 Answers

It deletes all the compiled and temporary files associated with a solution. It ensures that the next build is a full one, rather than only changed files being recompiled.

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David Arno Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

David Arno