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Virtual TreeView selection width with toUseExplorerTheme

When I use toUseExplorerTheme in TVirtualStringTree.PaintOptions it draws the selection like this:

Illustration of selection with toUseExplorerTheme

Notice that the selection extends from the left side of the control to the position of the rightmost extent of any node caption; the selections are all the same width.

I want it to look as in this image (someone else's project, using Virtual TreeView), where the selection covers only the text of the node caption:

enter image description here

Unless there is a regression in Virtual TreeView (I'm using 5.2.2) then this must be possible, but I cannot find the right combination of options.

Here's my set-up code:

fTree := TVirtualStringTree.Create(Self);
fTree.Parent            := Self;
fTree.Align             := alClient;

fTree.OnGetText         := TreeGetText;
fTree.OnInitNode        := TreeInitNode;
fTree.OnInitChildren    := TreeInitChildren;
fTree.OnChange          := TreeSelectionChange;
fTree.RootNodeCount     := 1;
fTree.DrawSelectionMode := smBlendedRectangle;

fTree.TreeOptions.PaintOptions     := fTree.TreeOptions.PaintOptions
                                      + [toUseExplorerTheme];
fTree.TreeOptions.SelectionOptions := fTree.TreeOptions.SelectionOptions
                                      + [toMultiSelect];
like image 839
Ian Goldby Avatar asked Dec 17 '13 15:12

Ian Goldby

1 Answers

Sorry, that was my fault. The statement I've suggested in this issue should have rather be:

procedure DrawBackground(State: Integer);
  // if the full row selection is disabled or toGridExtensions is in the MiscOptions, draw the selection
  // into the InnerRect, otherwise into the RowRect
  if not (toFullRowSelect in FOptions.FSelectionOptions) or (toGridExtensions in FOptions.FMiscOptions) then
    DrawThemeBackground(Theme, PaintInfo.Canvas.Handle, TVP_TREEITEM, State, InnerRect, nil)
    DrawThemeBackground(Theme, PaintInfo.Canvas.Handle, TVP_TREEITEM, State, RowRect, nil);

The same applies also to the next nested procedure DrawThemedFocusRect. The fix is now commited to the revision r587, so please update your Virtual Treeview. Thanks to @joachim for cooperation!

like image 54
TLama Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10
