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Vimscript: how to get the current list of user-defined functions and determine the files they are sourced from



Is there a way I can query from within Vim information about user-defined vimscript functions and script files that Vim knows about?

The things I'd like to know are:

  • Is a particular function defined?
  • Which source file is a given function defined in?
  • What are the vimscript files that have been sourced?


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ARV Avatar asked Jun 02 '10 18:06


1 Answers

  • Is a particular function defined?

Use the exists function:

:echo exists("*funcname")
  • Which source file is a given function defined in?

Unfortunately, there's no straight-forward way to do this. You would have to parse the output of :verbose function.

  • What are the vimscript files that have been sourced?

Again, there's no straight-forward way to do this. You would have to parse the output of :scriptnames.

What's the big picture for what you're trying to do that made you ask these questions? There may be a better way to achieve it without needing answers to each question.

like image 143
jamessan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10
