I have been reading the documentation for a while but I can't seem to find any information on how to change the default key for completion in snipMate.
Here is the documentation. https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate/blob/master/doc/snipMate.txt Did I overlook something?
Thank you.
In :help SnipMate-mappings
The mappings SnipMate uses can be customized with the :map commands.For example, to change the key that triggers snippets and moves to the next tab stop, >
:imap <C-J> <Plug>snipMateNextOrTrigger :smap <C-J> <Plug>snipMateNextOrTrigger
It's done via two variables; it doesn't seem to be documented, but it's done in after/plugin/snipMate.vim
. To override, redefine these variables before the plugin is sourced, e.g. in your ~/.vimrc
:let g:snips_trigger_key = '<tab>'
:let g:snips_trigger_key_backwards = '<s-tab>'
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