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VimL: Checking if function exists




right now I'm cleaning up my .vimrc file to make sure it's compatible on most systems.

In my statusline I use a function that another plugin sets, the GitBranchInfoString() function introduced by this plugin.

What I wanna do is check if this function is set, and only then add it to the statusline. It would be in it's own line so I just need to check for it.

What would be the simplest way to accomplish this?

Thanks for all your help!


I have the following:

if exists('*GitBranchInfoString')
    let &stl.='%{GitBranchInfoString()}'
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greduan Avatar asked Dec 04 '12 19:12


People also ask

How do you check if a function exists or not?

The code in the brackets will execute if the function is defined. If instead you just test the function without using the window object, for example as if(aFunctionName) , JavaScript will throw a ReferenceErorr if the function doesn't exist.

How do you check if a method exists on an object JavaScript?

Use the typeof operator to check if a method exists in a class, e.g. if (typeof myInstance. myMethod === 'function') {} . The typeof operator returns a string that indicates the type of the specific value and will return function if the method exists in the class.

What is in Vim script?

Vim's scripting language, known as Vimscript, is a typical dynamic imperative language and offers most of the usual language features: variables, expressions, control structures, built-in functions, user-defined functions, first-class strings, high-level data structures (lists and dictionaries), terminal and file I/O, ...

3 Answers


if exists("*GitBranchInfoString")
    " do stuff here
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ZyX Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10


Just as an alternative you may also use a regexp to decide if the plugin at hand is in your runtimepath:

if &rtp =~ 'plugin-name'

This has the advantage that it works with plugins that only have vimscript code in the autoload directory, which in turn can't be detected when .vimrc is initially parsed since the autoload snippets are loaded at the time of a function call.

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bergercookie Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10


The currently selected answer doesn't work for me (using Vim 7.4 / Ubuntu). I believe that's because:

.vimrc is sourced before any plugins are loaded

As @ZyX noted this in a comment.

My preferred method is just to check for the existence of the plugin file. I find this cleaner than writing a separate function in an external file.

if !empty(glob("path/to/plugin.vim"))
   echo "File exists."
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user3751385 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10
