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mapping function keys in vim




I want to map my F2 for nerdtree with the following entry:

map <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> 

But even before that, and after saving the vimrc , whenever i press F2, it just switches the case of the letters on which the cursor is present. Later found out that any function key does it. F5 switches case of 5 characters and so on. Is this because of some other plugin? I presently use c.vim , snippetsEmu , surround , nerdtree , and minibufexpl

There are no keymappings to any function key in my vimrc.

like image 776
woodstok Avatar asked Aug 19 '10 07:08


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How do I map a function key in vim?

This line should tell the Vim the exact sequence of codes which is emitted by terminal when you press <F2> . After that, use noremap <F2> whatever and it should work. If it is not the only terminal that you are using, then you may want to put if $TERM==#" <C-r>=$TERM<CR> " before this line and endif after.

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1 Answers

Your problem is that vim does not know what does terminal emit when you press <F2>. On some terminals it emits something like <Esc>[12~, so the vim quits current mode (or just beeps if it can't) (<ESC>), does nothing ([1: there must be some key after [, but not 1, so it does nothing) and changes case of two letters (2~). So, you should open .vimrc and write there the following:

set <F2>=<C-v><F2>

where <C-v><F2> means that you must press <C-v> and then <F2>. This line should tell the Vim the exact sequence of codes which is emitted by terminal when you press <F2>. After that, use noremap <F2> whatever and it should work. If it is not the only terminal that you are using, then you may want to put if $TERM==#"<C-r>=$TERM<CR>" before this line and endif after.

like image 168
ZyX Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09