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vim: is there a plugin to show all of your TODO tags in source?




Like most of you, I work in several source files of code every day. A lot of the time, my insane work flow has me doing stuff like:

# clean up this code
# do something else with this code

Is there currently a vim plugin available that will search for TODO or a similar mnemonic and print a list of my current tasks that are on-going and in what source file it needs to be done? It would be a huge time saver instead of using grep constantly. Also with vim ctags, you can jump right in the code where you left the TODO off at.

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randombits Avatar asked Aug 17 '10 15:08


1 Answers

I've not tried it (yet), but this plugin looks promising.

Edit: I've just tried this plugin out. I will be keeping it around. It's very handy and interactively moves you around the buffer while you navigate the task list.

Also, there is a mirror on github if you use pathogen or another means of git submodules for your vim directory.

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Randy Morris Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Randy Morris