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VIM: how to go to exact line on Ubuntu

I'm using vi on Ubuntu 12.10. Some files are quite long so when I want to go to the middle of the file, I have to page down or scroll down.

Is there a VIM shortcut to go to an exact line number?

like image 782
kevin Avatar asked Jun 17 '11 01:06


People also ask

How do I go to a specific line in vim?

If we are in the vim editor, then simply do this, “Press the ENTER key, write the Line number, and press Shift+ g”: Again the output is the same.

How do I jump to a specific line in vi?

If you're already in vi, you can use the goto command. To do this, press Esc , type the line number, and then press Shift-g . If you press Esc and then Shift-g without specifying a line number, it will take you to the last line in the file.

How do I go to a specific character in vim?

You can type f<character> to put the cursor on the next character and F<character> for the previous one. You can also use ; to repeat the operation and use , to repeat it in opposite direction.

How do you go down a line in vim?

In normal mode or in insert mode, press Alt-j to move the current line down, or press Alt-k to move the current line up.

2 Answers


will take you to line 150 in vi


will take you to line 1500 in vi

As per the comments you may want to try


to get to line 150. which is less key strokes then :150Enter if you aren't sure what line you are on try

 :set nu! 

notice the :

if you want to always see the line consider editing your vim profile. Most often

vi ~/.vimrc 

and add

:set nu!  

and write and quit

:wq #or you could use :x 

this can be done outside of vi. For example, if I want to delete line 5000 in a text file I could use a scripting language. For example, using sed it would be the following

sed -i '5000d;' inputFile.txt 

to delete line 10 to 20 it would be

sed -i '10,20d;' inputFile.txt 

notice the -i will edit the file in place. Without the -i it will goto stdout. Try it. you can redirect stdout to a file

sed '5001,$d;' inputFile.txt >> appenedFile.txt 

this might have a lot going on here for you. this deletes line 5001 to $. With $ being the end of the file. >> will append to a file. where as > creates a new file.

if you are curious how many lines are in a file you may want to type wc -l inputFile.txt

some of this may seem awfully trivial, but if you are trying to edit a file with 50,000 lines it may take vi a sweet minute to open and traverse. where if you know you just want to delete the last line you could use sed and do it in a fraction of the time.

sed can also search and replace inside a file as well. But perhaps awk, perl, or python might also be a viable solution.

but overall, you may wan to find a good tutorial on vi. thousands exist. I'd consult google. Perhaps find yourself a VIM Cheatsheat.

like image 182
matchew Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09


Other vim tips: in command mode

  • H goes to the top of the screen
  • M goes to the middle of the screen
  • L goes to the bottom of the screen
  • gg goes to the first line
  • G goes to the last line
like image 23
glenn jackman Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

glenn jackman