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Viewing multiple source files simultaneously using MonoDevelop

Is the above possible? I often do it in VS (usually to have the test and test target visible together) using the flexible window docking system. Is there some way to achieve the same thing in MonoDevelop?

like image 651
Myles McDonnell Avatar asked Apr 09 '12 19:04

Myles McDonnell

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For monodevelop 4.012 try look in the Solution->Packages->Edit Packages and look for the library you need.

Is MonoDevelop open source?

MonoDevelop (also known as Xamarin Studio) is an open-source integrated development environment for Linux, macOS, and Windows.

1 Answers

Pretty sure it's not possible. The editor does have a split screen mode (as of Version 2.0) but that only allows looking at multiple places in the current file.

like image 164
sblom Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10
