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View doesn't update on component property change in Angular 2 RC6 first time

I have a component in my project that calls a service to retrieve some (locally-stored) JSON, which is mapped to an array of objects and returned to the component to be displayed. The problem I am having is that the bindings in the view don't seem to update the first time I call the service, but do update the second time I call the service.

The component template:

    selector: 'list-component',
    template: `
        <button type="button" (click)="getListItems()">Get List</button>
                        Job Title
                <tr *ngFor="let employee of _employees">
    changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default

The component controller class:

export class ListComponent {

    _employees: Employee[];

        private employeeService: EmployeeService
    ) {


    getListItems() {
        this.employeeService.loadEmployees().subscribe(res => {
            this._employees = res;

And the service:

export class EmployeeService {

        private http: Http
    ) { }

    loadEmployees(): Observable<Employee[]> {
        return this.http.get('employees.json')
         .map(res => <Employee[]>res.json().Employees);

Things I've tried:

  • Changing the ChangeDetectionStrategy to OnPush
  • Making the _employees property an observable, populating it with this._employees = Observable<Employee[]> and using the async pipe on the ngFor statement: *ngFor="let employees of _employees | async" - same situation, only populates on second button click

Can anyone spot anything wrong with my code, or are aware of any issues with RC6 that could lead to such behaviour?

like image 988
dgkane Avatar asked Sep 13 '16 09:09


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1 Answers

I had same issue. Still didn't get any solid solution. Using detectChanges works. Below is the workaround but please note that this is not the perfect solution

export class ListComponent {

_employees: Employee[];

    private employeeService: EmployeeService,  private chRef: ChangeDetectorRef
) {


getListItems() {
    this.employeeService.loadEmployees().subscribe(res => {
        this._employees = res;


like image 120
Imamudin Naseem Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09

Imamudin Naseem