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Using an injected angular service as a dependency within a static method

I am trying to use a injected dependency within a static method and of course the injected dependency is instance-scoped and can't be used within the static method.

Here is my class:

export class PasswordValidationService {

  constructor(private userAccountService:UserAccountService) {

  static passwordValidator(control:AbstractControl) {
    return control
      .switchMap(()=> this.userAccountService.checkCurrentPassword(control.value))
      .map(res=> {
          if (res.json() === true) {
            return null;
          else {
            return {invalid: true};


My question is what is the best practice in order to use the UserAccountService (dependency) within a static method?

edit: I redesigned my app towards using instance methods instead of static methods as follows:

Here is the validator:

import {Injectable} from "@angular/core";
import {UserAccountService} from "../../useraccount/useraccount.service";
import {AbstractControl} from "@angular/common";
import {Observable} from "rxjs/Observable";

export class PasswordValidationService {

  constructor(private userAccountService:UserAccountService) {

  passwordValidator(control:AbstractControl):Observable<any> {
    let validationResult = this.userAccountService.checkCurrentPassword(control.value)
      .map(res=> {
          if (res.json() === true) {
            return null;
          else {
            return {invalid: true};

    return validationResult;


Here is the component using the validator:

constructor(private router:Router,
              private formBuilder:FormBuilder,
              private stylingService:StylingService,
              private sessionService:SessionService,
              private passwordValidationService:PasswordValidationService) {

  ngOnInit() {
    this.signinForm = this.formBuilder.group({
      credentials: this.formBuilder.group({
        username: [this.credentials.username, Validators.required],
        password: [this.credentials.password, [Validators.required, this.passwordValidationService.passwordValidator]]

Here is the error message I get:

browser_adapter.ts:82 TypeError: Cannot read property 'userAccountService' of undefined
    at PasswordValidationService.passwordValidator (http://localhost:8080/app/shared/services/password-validation.service.js:18:36)
    at eval (http://localhost:8080/vendor/@angular/forms/src/validators.js:137:49)
    at Array.map (native)
    at _executeValidators (http://localhost:8080/vendor/@angular/forms/src/validators.js:137:23)
    at FormControl.eval [as validator] (http://localhost:8080/vendor/@angular/forms/src/validators.js:116:33)
    at FormControl.AbstractControl._runValidator (http://localhost:8080/vendor/@angular/forms/src/model.js:178:56)
    at FormControl.AbstractControl.updateValueAndValidity (http://localhost:8080/vendor/@angular/forms/src/model.js:164:29)
    at new FormControl (http://localhost:8080/vendor/@angular/forms/src/model.js:304:14)
    at FormBuilder.control (http://localhost:8080/vendor/@angular/forms/src/form_builder.js:36:16)
    at FormBuilder._createControl (http://localhost:8080/vendor/@angular/forms/src/form_builder.js:68:25)
like image 678
balteo Avatar asked Jul 19 '16 11:07


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1 Answers

Either don't make the method static or forward from an instance method

export class PasswordValidationService {

  constructor(private userAccountService:UserAccountService) {

  validate(control:AbstractControl) {
    return PasswordValidationService.passwordValidator(control);

  static passwordValidator(control:AbstractControl) {
like image 193
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09

Günter Zöchbauer