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Why can't TypeScript modules implement or adhere to an interface? Can I get around this?



It seems like it would be very useful in TypeScript to require that a module implement an interface. Is there any particular reason why they've chosen to not implement this ability?

I can't think of any reason why it would be undesirable to allow a module implement an interface, but if it is, then is there any other way to require a module provide a certain set of properties / methods?

like image 956
Allen Rice Avatar asked Apr 18 '13 00:04

Allen Rice

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1 Answers

You can force a compile error if a module doesn't adhere to an interface like this (technically non-zero runtime overhead, but unlikely to actually matter):

interface foo {
    bar(): number;

module mod {
    export function bar(): number {
        return 0;
var mod_is_foo: foo = mod; // errors if you change 'number' to 'string' above

As for why can't you say module mod implements foo? All features start at minus 100.

Edit to add -- here are some other (somewhat wacky) things you could write in lieu of the var statement above if you wanted to avoid creating a new top-level var:

<foo>mod; // Shortest, probably fastest?
<foo>undefined === mod; // Clearest non-var version?
like image 71
Ryan Cavanaugh Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10

Ryan Cavanaugh